Motivational Mondays, Detox!


So today I was feeling very motivated to really cleanse my body and mind. I’ve really improved my eating habits since the Easter holiday but now is time to kick it up a notch! I suffer from hay fever so todays juice and exercises are a fantastic way to help with the symptoms naturally.

So I have been inspired by Jason Vales 5 day juice cleanse with my juice today.  << for more information on his 5 day cleanse.

I began my day with a big mug of hot water, fresh ginger and lemon juice. Ginger is a fantastic natural anti histamine and anti inflammatory, great if you are feeling a little run down. This is my go to drink when I am feeling a little low. This followed by a food shop for some lovely fresh fruits and veggies to make my smoothies for the next few days. I do not own a juicer, I find them expensive and messy! I also find that a lot of the produce is wasted, I like to use the entire fruit/vegetable! Most of the nutrient content is found in the skin or just below it so it’s important not to peel too deeply. Or just add in the skin when you can. I use a Nutri Ninja Bullet blender, it’s the best thing I have ever owned. They call them ‘nutrition extractors’ due to the way the blend. Everything is essentially liquidised in a matter of seconds, freeing up all the essential vitamins, fibre and minerals stored in the produce. << This is the one I own, it’s the most powerful on the market (I think… ) and fantastic value for money. The 1000 Watt blender literally pulverises everything into a liquid in about 5 seconds, and similar to a Nutri Bullet (these aren’t as powerful and have a lower voltage) you can drink straight from the cup you blend in. 

Todays smoothie comprises of:

  • 2cm chuck of fresh ginger (peeled and chopped, if you don’t like ginger you can adjust this)
  • 3cm chuck of cucumber (peeled)
  • small handful of blueberries
  • large handful of baby spinach
  • 1 gala apple
  • half a lime (the juice)
  • ice
  • half an avocado


This is a tweak on Jasons ‘Turbo with a Kick’ Juice. It makes just over a pint of smoothie and I drink this slowly through out the day alongside lots of water and fruit teas. I have also been having dates as a snack due to the fact I did some exercise today. So these have provided me with some extra energy. Sometimes I choose not to exercise when doing a cleanse like this as I don’t have as much energy as I usually would but today I wanted to push myself and sweat out some toxins to. Below are some YouTube videos showing something similar to my workout to give you an idea. I did cardio body weight work and some yoga (I do not do weight training when cleansing).

So first up (after hoovering and cleaning my room which I used as my warm up) I did about half an hour of cardio internal training, I kept it fairly low intensity but wanted to get myself moving and sweaty. Body Project on YouTube offer great workouts if you don’t attend a gym.

I followed with a quick glute and thigh workout that I got from Fitness Blender:

Lastly as part of my routine I did some Yoga (this I have been doing every day). Yoga with Adriene on YouTube is my absolute favourite. This is the routine I did today:

So overall I spent about an hour moving my body, I followed this with the rest of my smoothie. (I made extra so I have had about 2 pints of smoothie so far). Be careful not to drink it too fast and also do not exercise straight after as it can make you feel a bit sick.

I am feeling energised, motivated and ready to spend the rest of the day revising for my exams (yawn). I hope this post was helpful, any questions please pop them below!

Happy Monday! Thank you for reading xox

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